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1GHz processor or faster recommended.
4GB RAM minimum recommended.
Windows - Windows 11 or Windows 10, with the latest updates installed.
Mac - macOS 10.14 or later.
These help pages are not the only place you can find help on LandscapePro.
The first place to find out how to use LandscapePro is by watching all the tutorial videos and checking out the online guide.
The software can also help you through the process. Make sure you read the tool tips as you they pop-up.
You can also contact the customer support team with any questions you might have.
Yes, in LandscapePro Studio and Studio Max editions. Select the Settings option on the main screen to choose how color profiles are used. LandscapePro Studio and Studio Max are color-managed applications and will use your monitor color profile to display colors correctly on your monitor.
In the Sky sliders, under the heading Clouds there is a tool called Replace With where you will find a drop-down menu containing the currently available skies.
Click the Add… button at the end to add any image into the cloud replacement list.
After doing so, you could save a preset containing those new clouds. If “separate clouds from atmosphere” is ON, it would just replace the clouds. If it is OFF, then the entire sky is replaced with your image.
This is due to the way Dell Backup & Recovery installs as a Windows shell extension, which can cause other programs to crash when displaying the Windows file open dialog. There are three solutions to this problem:
1. Use the 32-bit version of LandscapePro.
2. Uninstall the Dell Backup & Recovery software.
3. Unregister the shell extensions that cause the problem. This is only for people who are confident in running command scripts on their computer. The following command script needs to be downloaded: unregister_dell_backup.cmd then follow these additional steps: Browse to the downloaded file, it will probably be blocked from running since it came from the Internet. Right click and choose properties and press the unblock button. Now right click again and choose to run the script as an Administrator.
There may be other programs besides the Dell Backup & Recovery program that also cause this issue, but this is by far the most common cause.
On a Mac you can remove LandscapePro by simply moving it into the Trash. To also remove the data files, open the Finder view, then click on Go. Next, hold down the Option key and click on Library, and then Preferences. Now scroll down and look for anything containing the name “landscapepro” and also move it to the Trash. In the Finder view, go to your home folder. Then click on Library, then Application Support and then Anthropics. Move to trash the LandscapePro folder within the Anthropics folder.
On Windows it can be removed by clicking the start button and typing “remove programs” and the option “Add or remove programs” will come up. Choose this and follow the instructions.
Another way to remove the software is to go to the c:\Program Files directory where the LandscapePro was installed and finding the folder, normally with a name such as “LandscapePro”. Now run the program in this folder called unins000 and the software will be removed.